The Power of Markups in SmartUse


The robust markup tools in SmartUse make team collaboration and connectivity a breeze. Whether working on your laptop in the office or your tablet or phone on the jobsite, use tools like cloud, pencil, highlighter, and more – even add a hyperlink to another document such as an RFI. You can also include markups on your as-builts, for easy reference during maintenance and operations. In this session, we’ll cover: 


Icon_Green CheckMarkup basics

Icon_Green CheckOrganizing and sharing markups using layers
Icon_Green CheckMarkups' evolution through drawing revisions
Icon_Green CheckExporting drawing markups

Icon_Green CheckAnd more!


Join us for this informative 30-minute session on May 30 to learn how SmartUse markups can help your team! Can’t make it to the live session? Sign up anyway, and you’ll receive a recording to watch at your convenience. 

Join Us May 30 at 2pm ET!