Product Update

Our team has been hard at work this quarter to bring you the best features and updates to help you continue bidding faster, winning more, and building smarter. Join our webinar to learn about the latest enhancements to our Preconstruction and Construction solutions and sneak peeks on what's to come, including:


Icon_Green CheckEstimate Scope
Icon_Green CheckEstimating Purchase Quantity Improvements
Icon_Green CheckLibrary Tags

Icon_Green CheckArea Merge

Icon_Green CheckExplode: Support of Additional Measurements

Icon_Green CheckTakeoff List Decimal Display

Icon_Green CheckWorkflows: Download PDF with Plan Attached

Icon_Green CheckWorkflows: Email Configuration

Icon_Green CheckWorkflows: Configurable Statuses


Join Us July 10 at 2pm ET!

Presented by STACK's Top Product Experts:


David Fouche

Sr. Product Manager, Preconstruction

Allison Hunter

Sr. Product Manager, Construction

Aaron Kivett

Director of Product Integrations

Presented by STACK's Top Product Experts:


David Fouche

Sr. Product Manager, STACK for Preconstruction


Allison Hunter

Sr. Product Manager, STACK for Construction


Aaron Kivett

Director of Product Integrations